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#21003 + (2690) -

<Arendra> A smiley says a thousand words <Arendra> :-) *** Arendra has quit IRC (Excess Flood)

#21004 + (378) -

<t-f-i> An officer in the U.S. Naval Reserve was attending a conference that included admirals from both the U.S. Navy and the French Navy. At a cocktail reception, he found himself in a small group that included personnel from both navies. <t-f-i> The French Admiral started complaining that whereas Europeans learned many languages, Americans learned only English. He then asked, "Why is it that we have to speak English in these conferences rather than you speak French?" <t-f-i> Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied: "Maybe it is because the Brits, Canadians, Aussies, and Americans arranged it so you would not have to speak German." The group became silent.

#21005 + (680) -

<|if3|355> I GOT OWNED <|if3|355> by partition magic 8; and a perfectly timed power surge.

#20999 + (584) -

(kellai) fr0g is cuddly (kellai) except for when he tried to light me on fire

#21000 + (287) -

<sh-> does downloading porn vcd's on dialup count as tantric?

#21001 + (247) -

<RpgTheIdler> you know, if there was this girl, and she was all like, "Let's have sex", but I was playing DDR, I'd be all like "Bitch, can't you see I'm busy?"

#20995 + (14) -

<barnacle> rape and sex are really the same thing <SaxxonPike> Not exactly <SaxxonPike> Well I can't think of the difference right now <SaxxonPike> But I think rape is the bad one that you always see in the news <SaxxonPike> Much like the difference between "nigga" and "nigger" I guess <SaxxonPike> One is somehow bad, it's all in how you say it <barnacle> i see

#20996 + (404) -

<d1cer> omfg <d1cer> i just shit the bigest shit in the world <d1cer> :/ <d1cer> it was like a fucking legg <LivinDead> lol <LivinDead> how big was it? <d1cer> umm <d1cer> k <d1cer> hold on leme get my ruler

#20997 + (426) -

[@SI-pHluid]: ::: You successfully sent (Brazillian Horse Sex.mpg) (54.83MB) to (si-sonder) in (33m 18s) at (28.1KB/s) [@SI-pHluid]: er. [@SI-pHluid]: ignore that. [@SI-BlowShitUp]: ROFLMAO [@SI-BlowShitUp]: asdkf;mhsdFHG@$%^@$%^@$%^YRG [@SI-BlowShitUp]: NEW QUIT MSG [@SI-BlowShitUp]: askfgsdfGSE%^$W%^#$6 [@SI-pHluid]: /clear :|

#20998 + (307) -

<Dave_A> Raping Secial Ed Kids is Fucking Retarded.

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