ircquotes FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is ircquotes?

ircquotes is a community-driven website where users can submit and browse memorable quotes from IRC (Internet Relay Chat). You can browse quotes, submit your own, and vote on others.

How does the API work?

The ircquotes API allows users to retrieve quotes programmatically. It is designed for developers who want to integrate IRC quotes into their own applications.

Available API Endpoints

  • Get All Approved Quotes: GET /api/quotes
  • Get a Specific Quote by ID: GET /api/quotes/<id>
  • Get a Random Quote: GET /api/random
  • Get Top Quotes: GET /api/top
  • Search Quotes: GET /api/search?q=<search_term>

Submitting Quotes via the API

The API also allows you to submit quotes, but this feature is rate-limited to prevent abuse. Each user is allowed 5 submissions per minute.

  • Submit a Quote: POST /api/submit
  • Request Body: The request body should be in JSON format and contain the quote text like this:
  • {
        "text": "This is a memorable quote!"
  • Validation Rules: Quotes must be between 5 and 1000 characters.

Rules for Submitting Quotes

To ensure that ircquotes remains a fun and enjoyable platform for everyone, we ask that you follow a few simple rules when submitting quotes:

  • No Offensive Content: Do not submit quotes that contain offensive language, hate speech, or other harmful content.
  • No Spam: Please avoid submitting irrelevant or repetitive content. The site is for memorable IRC quotes, not spam.
  • Stay On-Topic: Ensure that your submissions are actual quotes from IRC, not made-up content.
  • Rate Limiting: The submission rate is limited to 5 quotes per minute to prevent spam.
  • Moderation: All quotes are subject to approval by site moderators. Rejected quotes will not be publicly visible.

How are quotes moderated?

Quotes go through a moderation process where they are either approved, rejected, or deleted. Approved quotes become visible to all users, while rejected ones remain in the system but aren't shown publicly.

How can I get the top 100 quotes?

You can view the top 100 quotes by visiting the Top 100 page. The quotes are ranked by votes, with the highest-voted quotes appearing at the top.

How do I search for quotes?

Use the search bar on the site or the API endpoint /api/search?q=<search_term> to find specific quotes.

Can I delete my submitted quotes?

No, quotes are submitted anonymously, so there's no direct way to delete quotes after submission. However, site moderators can remove inappropriate content.

Who can I contact for help?

If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to the admin via the contact page or submit a help request through the site's interface.

  quotes approved; quotes pending