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#20487 + (916) -

<@sioux> it's going to be tricky tomorrow, i don't know if i'll make it <@sioux> so if something happens to me, will one of you come and delete my pr0n? <@sioux> i don't want my mother to find it <@sioux> but please make sure i'm dead. wait until after the funeral. don't delete that shit while i'm still on life support or in a coma or something <@sioux> if by some "act of god" or a donor organ i'm miraculously saved, and i come home and all my pr0n is gone, i'm going to kill myself

#20488 + (376) -

<Prozzy> I would, i have a scanner right next to me, BUT THINK OF THE [FUTURE] CHILDREN. I'd hate to tell my kid with downs syndrome that they're fucked up cuz i scanned my nuts.

#20489 + (415) -

<richard> To be fair to windows, there is one thing you can do on it that you can't do on Unix <teifion> Can you do it on my Mac? <richard> No, it is unique to Windows <teifion> What is it? <richard> You can defrag stuff

#20483 + (215) -

* Crimson has joined #arsclan <stargurl> hello <Sinned> hello <Crimson> hello <Griz> hello.jpg

#20484 + (986) -

<Aelfinn> I'm psychic <Aelfinn> I can predict what will happen in the future <Gundulf> Yeah, then what am I going to say next? <Aelfinn> Wrong <Gundulf> ...touche

#20485 + (212) -

<AdamH> There are 10 kinds of people when it comes to binary. Those who understand it, and those who don't. * AdamH rimshits <AdamH> RIMSHOTS! <DL> Heheheheh. <DL> Sorry, Adam, two of those "heh"s were at the joke. The rest were at rimshits. :-P

#20479 + (293) -

<mogh> I landed an in person interview <sergey> where at? <alexander> Hydraulic Press Inc. <sergey> You've gotta crush the interview to work there <sergey> very firm handshake is a plus as well <kurn> dunno if I'd want to work there, I hear it's a high-pressure environment <kurn> and opportunities for advancement are pretty flat <alexander> Getting the wrong manager there can be soul-crushing. <helena> but getting the right one can be powerfully uplifting <mogh> I think I could squeeze out a living

#20480 + (850) -

<prok> heh they set up one of those temporary radar speed detector things yesterday, the ones that tell you how fast you're going <prok> with a big sign <prok> i did about 5 laps around it trying to get my car up to 120 <ShizCakes> You know it takes your picture if it starts blinking when you go past it, right? <prok> whoops

#20481 + (101) -

<Felix1> lud, as a 'gag' somebody set our air con on 44 degrees <Felix1> brother is on the critical list, We lost Mum on the operating table, Dad never regained consiousness and our dogs corneas melted down her face

#20482 + (1732) -

<sthmnstr> So I was in this restauraunt with my gf the other day and she wanted to emberas me. <sthmnstr> I had eaten too much and was holding my stomach moaning and then she's all like 'aww, is the baby kicking?' and i said 'Yup. Thats the last time I eat one of those whole...'

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