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#20419 + (343) -

Murcho: and for the first time in my life i spent a considerable amount of time trying to put my dick into what i thought was the 'vagina' DrZaius: LOL Murcho: the plumbing on these french girls is different man im telling you

#20417 + (1457) -

<[NCA]Spank> I was pretty dumb about computers. <[NCA]Spank> Then I learned you could get porn on them. <[NCA]Spank> 3 years later I'm a system administrator.

#20414 + (565) -

<SwiftWrk> so... warcraft 3 in like 2 hours? <fugimax> so... <fugimax> my balls in yo' mouth in like 3 hours? <LockeCole> erm...if I'm available sure <LockeCole> damn

#20415 + (555) -

<blazemore> we know your hand gets more action jax0ring than your feet do walking <scar`1> yeah well that's also caused by the fact that i hardly walk

#20416 + (215) -

<NekoGuy> Non-Human Intelligent Rights Act: Subsection 4a. Digital Intelligence: Any conscious program shall never run under the Windows Operating System.

#20411 + (892) -

* GLE has joined #motl <implode> if you want to blow the dealer, thats your option <{Excabus}> If I was a girl, I'd totally give head for magic cards. * GLE has quit IRC (Quit: Note to self; stop coming here)

#20412 + (89) -

<jamesm> what are you running on the alphas? <MMouse> tru64 at the moment <MMouse> with oracle <jamesm> no wonder so many dotcoms go under

#20413 + (329) -

<markogogo> :( <markogogo> I try and try and try.... <markogogo> ... and nothing comes out of it. <Yellow-Snow> try using the other hand mark

#20407 + (645) -

chickcorea1357: i was so high that the fractal elves started asking me what the hell I had been smoking

#20408 + (442) -

[Video] I've been watching the warez scene for like two months. [Video] Nothing is worth DOWNLOADING [Video] That's sad [Ouija] i know [Video] Is that their new anti-piracy technique? [Video] Release shit no one wants?

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