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#20266 + (653) -

<arpee> um <arpee> i have a charge on my account from 11/12/02 <arpee> oh <arpee> i guess that's the next business day <arpee> nevermind <arpee> i was afraid people from the future were stealing my money

#20267 + (518) -

A[S]Vicious: Dude.. I fell asleep last night when I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone.. She was masturbating to my voice, and started talking about how her big vibrator was stuck, and she couldn't get it out. A[S]Vicious: And I fell asleep.. A[S]Vicious: It was awesome

#20268 + (39) -

<Cyb> where the hell is the new pokey <Cyb> it hasn't been updated in like a while <Cyb> sept 17 <Cyb> wait that's today <Cyb> stupid internet explorer

#20262 + (711) -

<bob_hobo_killer> It's 10:00 do you know where your children are? <meiv4> in a handful of tissues in my trashcan

#20263 + (576) -

<Dock> Tristan: We understand, you're just brain damaged. <Dock> We know you find those "things" fun, your POV is warped and it's OK. <Dock> We'll all smile and talk behind your back. <Tristan> OH YEAH <Tristan> ATLEAST I DATE INSIDE MY SPECIES, YOU WENT OUTSIDE OF YOURS WHEN YOU DID IT WITH MY MOM <Tristan> SO THERE

#20264 + (662) -

<EvaUnit02> I had a dream that my minivan charged up my stairs and tried to run me over in my bedroom <EvaUnit02> its gets better <EvaUnit02> So I charged it and wrestled it. <EvaUnit02> I ended up overhead pressing it and capsising it on the floor <EvaUnit02> then I proceeded to get on my waterbed and scream "OWNED" at it. <EvaUnit02> what would sigmund have to say about that one <sir-gold> that you feel your masculinity threatened by the fact that you drive a minivan <cd|work> you got abused by a minivan in your childhood, and have an oedipus complex for your mother <EvaUnit02> sir-gold now THAT is a possibility

#20265 + (507) -

<@iridium> man <@iridium> im getting fucking raped <@iridium> i'm lagged by like 2 minutes <@iridium> fucker i gave a shell on this box pissed some script kiddie off <@iridium> hes packeting the crap out of me <@iridium> fuck <@iridium> i've battened down all the hatches so now all that remains is to wait for him to climax or whatever the fuck script kiddies do

#20259 + (1033) -

neeley_09: I just realized that I'm kind of a rarity on IRC... diablo: What do you mean? neeley_09: Well, I actually play aports sometimes, and I do things with people, except in real life diablo: Hey, not everyone on IRC is a geek neeley_09: What's the biggest thing you've done today? diablo: I played Oblivion for a few hours, I guess neeley_09: .... neeley_09: You can't even lie about it?

#20260 + (57) -

* AquaJew2 is now known as AquaJew <Allvah> JewTwo? <AquaJew> Yea, like MewTwo, but Jewish <LordRed> Basically, jewtwo's main attack is he lies to your boss about finding a hair in his soup so you get fired and he gets a five dollar off coupon

#20261 + (253) -

ùíù WALLOP lilo: Just for the record, having pr0n spambots is no excuse for responding with evangelical Christian spambots....let's show some self-control, folks 8)

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