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#20241 + (582) -

<mako> my letter "eye" stopped worng <luca> k, too? <mako> yeah <luca> sounds like a mountain dew spill <mako> and comma <mako> those three <mako> ths s horrble <luca> tme for a new eyboard <luca> 've successfully taen my eyboard apart and fxed t by cleanng t wth alcohol <mako> stop mang fun of me <mako> ths s a laptop!!

#20235 + (37) -

<l0wkey> im under house arrest <l0wkey> for two years <_INTRA_> what did ya do? <l0wkey> some bullshit stalking charges <l0wkey> 32 convictions <l0wkey> 104 trials <_INTRA_> lowkey: u are so full of shit <l0wkey> that is what the judge said <l0wkey> i was caught stalking her...i said i wanted to talk to her about the case <l0wkey> i was caught at 2:00 am, 16 times <l0wkey> in a row

#20236 + (846) -

<zap> glow in the dark dildo... interesting <zap> that would be disturbing if you didnt' know what it was and you were in a room with a person using it, in the dark <zap> ooooh pretty glowing thing! <zap> hey... it's getting shorter.. hey it disappeared... oh it's back... <zap> what's it doing? <zap> ooh... oooh?? AAH!

#20237 + (93) -

<TealShark> Valentine's Day used to rock: Going around all the desks at elementary school, getting and receiving Valentine's Day cards from students, young love blossoming at every turn. Yes, 2002 was a very good year for me. :)

#20231 + (1438) -

<zalzane> I wonder how long it will end up taking for all this pony shit to blow over <Mutagene> too long <pkmnBlue> 2 years <zalzane> sailor moon took like 10 years <zalzane> and every once in awhile I still hear fags harp about sailor moon <pkmnBlue> DUDE <pkmnBlue> SAILOR MOON IS AWESOME <Mutagene> sailor moon was good though :( <pkmnBlue> Kuraitou: SAILOR MOON <zalzane> oh my fucking god

#20232 + (196) -

Rabid Llama: heh, somebody should legally change their name to "8==D" Rabid Llama: so they could just draw a penis instead of signing

#20233 + (630) -

<Zaboomafoo`> aw shit someone help me! <Zaboomafoo`> I happened to mention bukakke and my mom wondered what it was <Zaboomafoo`> Im afraid shes gonna like, ask some of her japanese friends what it is and then find out! <saijinsux> what did you tell her it was? <Zaboomafoo`> a japanese food ;_;

#20234 + (157) -

<Jugulator> i need meat <Yogi> meat is the bread of life

#20228 + (308) -

<Ward> man, at work I had to demo Vista for some customers <Ward> and I was like, MAN VISTAS SO AWESOME <Ward> but XP is so much easier to use <Burty> wtf dude, you've been using XP for what.. 5 years? <Burty> thats like going from vag to anal <Burty> sure it feels different <Burty> and its a bit hard to get into at the start <Burty> but its true merit shines after a few trys

#20229 + (35) -

<tomato> So Chris, you blew bubbles as a kid? <Chris> yes tom i did <tomato> Well Chris he just called, he's looking for you

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