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#20455 + (635) -

<Thuryn> irc is the u-bend under the sink of society

#20456 + (244) -

<_cobra_> how can i allow right-click on links only while preventing right-click on the rest of a webpage ?? <yossarian> why would you want to prevent right-click anywhere? <_cobra_> to prevent newbies stealing the html

#20457 + (933) -

< jgaddis> know what's funny? < jgaddis> -r-xr-xr-x 2 root wheel 85740 Oct 30 06:36 /usr/ bin/less < jgaddis> -r-xr-xr-x 2 root wheel 85740 Oct 30 06:36 /usr/ bin/more <@LeBear> A green tapdancing kangaroo! < jgaddis> more is really less <@LeBear> jgaddis: more or less, of course < patrickT> so less IS more! :) <@SpamapS> less is not more, less is more than more < jgaddis> less isn't more < jgaddis> more is less <@LeBear> SpamapS: how much more is less more than more? <@SpamapS> no, more is less than less. < themaxxz> less is indeed more <@SpamapS> LeBear: more tha more is less than less. <@LeBear> SpamapS: you mean less is more more than more is less less? <@SpamapS> LeBear: more or less

#20458 + (906) -

<@xyst> perl made me angry last week. <@xyst> so angry i wrote something in java instead. <@ecoli> wtf could it have done to make you do that? <@ecoli> that's like saying "hot naked women made me so angry i had to go slam my penis in a car door"

#20451 + (1630) -

<persia> my favorite country song is "i fucked my horse on a sunday morning" <migg> my fave country song is "Its midnight in montana, and i cant get my dick out of this cow" *** You were kicked by sandk1ng (i like the song "i kicked my friend for makin fun of music i listen to")

#20452 + (298) -

<b00m> i once got a virus that opened and shut my cd drive and i was like wtf... i ended up taping it shut until i wiped my computer

#20453 + (-77) -

<Low> wassup * sean estimates the age of Low as 11. <Low> uhhh higher <sean> liar. * Low estimates the iq of sean as 3 maybe 4 <Low> im amazed u can type <Low> let alone breathe

#20454 + (404) -

DaLady Firestorm: and drinking my tea Laketh 69: teabag? DaLady Firestorm: I like tea DaLady Firestorm: and yes, there is a tea bag in my drink right now Laketh 69: lol DaLady Firestorm: why do you ask Laketh 69: ....... Laketh 69: teabag ;( DaLady Firestorm: do I want to know DaLady Firestorm: what's the fixation with teabag Laketh 69: is when you stick your balls into a girls mouth DaLady Firestorm: did you have a pet tebag... DaLady Firestorm: ...ah... DaLady Firestorm: okay, that explains it DaLady Firestorm: ew... Laketh 69: duh Laketh 69: and u like teabags DaLady Firestorm: I like tea DaLady Firestorm: not the bags DaLady Firestorm: or sacs DaLady Firestorm: or whatever Laketh 69: the bags make the tea DaLady Firestorm: I like what comes out of the tea bags DaLady Firestorm: oh, wait a second

#20448 + (676) -

<syrup> i need to leech while i sleep <syrup> otherwise i don't sleep well

#20449 + (192) -

<es0> how you use TCp with an abacus? <%sluggo> TCP as in a TCP/IP stack? <@Amish> that would be a fancy abacus, indeed :) <%sluggo> that would be about as useful as half of the RFCs out there <%sluggo> like "wireless TCP/IP networking via carrier pigeons" <@Amish> yeah, B. F. Skinner was really pushing for that one

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