ircquotes Quote #20454

#20454 + (404) - [X]

DaLady Firestorm: and drinking my tea Laketh 69: teabag? DaLady Firestorm: I like tea DaLady Firestorm: and yes, there is a tea bag in my drink right now Laketh 69: lol DaLady Firestorm: why do you ask Laketh 69: ....... Laketh 69: teabag ;( DaLady Firestorm: do I want to know DaLady Firestorm: what's the fixation with teabag Laketh 69: is when you stick your balls into a girls mouth DaLady Firestorm: did you have a pet tebag... DaLady Firestorm: ...ah... DaLady Firestorm: okay, that explains it DaLady Firestorm: ew... Laketh 69: duh Laketh 69: and u like teabags DaLady Firestorm: I like tea DaLady Firestorm: not the bags DaLady Firestorm: or sacs DaLady Firestorm: or whatever Laketh 69: the bags make the tea DaLady Firestorm: I like what comes out of the tea bags DaLady Firestorm: oh, wait a second

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