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#20897 + (623) -


#20891 + (591) -

<Paragon> :j <Metal_Massacre> is that supposed to be a happy guy with herpes?

#20892 + (311) -

<RichiH> i am also pretty sure that the a key on this keybord needs a slightly stronger push thn ll the other keys

#20893 + (464) -

(m-femme): my ass is too big for hotpants haha (m-femme): its my muscle...i have too much ass muscle.. (m-femme): haha (doggie^): lol ([olly]): stop using it to talk then

#20887 + (362) -

<Vaun> need something good to read for like 10 min <Vaun> anyone have an interesting thread / link / etc <Dzza|Wants-SI> i once read a book <Dzza|Wants-SI> it was about a giant blob eating the school <Dzza|Wants-SI> but then a fat kid ate the blog <Vaun> anyone else?

#20888 + (1722) -

<Kury^> the other day i found out that my Uni's fire evacuation policy for ppl with wheelchairs is to 'push them into a room, close the door, escape and then give the room number to the firemen'

#20889 + (137) -

<ILuvChitlins> listen buddy you had best stop trying to hack people with your script kiddie ways <ILuvChitlins> or someone might get pissed off and ban you from the internet <Arsvith> Remind me again. You know /how/ much about computers?

#20890 + (1026) -

Coff:We should bring rain ponchoes back. Problem Solved. Cyg:New Problem: I don't want to look like a homeless wizard.

#20883 + (748) -

<WrkEagle> Phalynx: Ah, but can you conjugate "Vodka?" <Phalynx> WrkEagle: Sure, the past tense is "money", and the future tense is "drunk"

#20884 + (530) -

<Beelzebub> Necrophilia isn't rape, it's recycling

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