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#20862 + (738) -

<Stormscape> If computers get too powerful, we can organize them into a committee -- that will do them in.

#20863 + (562) -

<MightyBlueJustice> If Jesus would've been shot to death instead of crucified would christians wear jewelry with firearms on it? <K-Necrocide> It kinda makes you wish he was assraped to death with a big black cock.

#20864 + (-4) -

<darkpact> like i said man, stop smoking pot <darkpact> it's not good for your braincell :| <StarScythe> but its good for mah wellbeing <StarScythe> and i meakes me spel so darnn kool <darkpact> StarScythe, you should see a doctor ;( <Kronck> lol <StarScythe> yeahh dark maybe he can prescribe som good piils 4 me so i can get even more wasted ::D:D:DD:

#20858 + (187) -

shocka: God should have put women's eyeballs in their boobs

#20859 + (-1) -

N e o N e s s 19: i thought guns were bad N e o N e s s 19: FALSE cleschc2: dude N e o N e s s 19: did you know that jesus and moses used guns to defeat the romans?

#20860 + (472) -

<worldspawn> <-- so gay <worldspawn> FUCK <worldspawn> wait

#20861 + (319) -

<Temujin> aight <Hydrac7> it suprised me that Temujin would use "Aight" <Hydrac7> Temujin using "aight" has crushed my will to live. <Temujin> I live in Indiana, I have to fit in somehow. <Temujin> I can't fake being retarded, so saying "a'ight" has to suffice.

#20855 + (109) -

<MMMaven> I can see the headlines now... "super-modified AIBO captures bin laden!"

#20856 + (541) -

<Nifty> Quick etiquette question: Should one make it a point to say goodbye to the people having a four-way in the living room, or is it best to slip out quietly?

#20857 + (974) -

<p> sux when u have a problem so u eat a cup of pudding and then u still have problem

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