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#20771 + (427) -

<Stiffler> How's it going. <FlyNavy> eh <FlyNavy> been better <FlyNavy> pretty much out of resin to smoke... <FlyNavy> and I still don't have: <FlyNavy> a job <FlyNavy> a car <FlyNavy> money <FlyNavy> weed <FlyNavy> or pussy <Stiffler> So basically... <Stiffler> It's all the same. <Stiffler> ROFL <FlyNavy> I need a job so I can get a car so I can have money to buy weed <FlyNavy> which I'll then use to get pussy <Stiffler> Indeed <FlyNavy> which'll then need to be maintained by a job <FlyNavy> which to get I'll need a car <FlyNavy> and for that I need money <Stiffler> But you see, you first need the pussy to get the weed to get the money to get the car to the job.. <FlyNavy> so I could try selling weed <FlyNavy> :D <FlyNavy> exactly...if I had some pussy, she could tell me where to get weed to I could sell it to buy a car to get a job to maintin the pussy that I'll get with weed which I'll buy with money left over from buying a car that I earned at my job <Stiffler> Indeed

#20772 + (359) -

<ruumis> this bitch I used to fuck with added me to her friendster list... what is my testimonial supposed to say for her? "gave good parking lot head. needs to talk less."

#20773 + (17) -

<VanWilder> god i used this massage oil on this chick last night and now my room wreaks of it <nivenh> were you massaging "her" penis?

#20774 + (686) -

<netw3rkd> i was going through my parents dresser and found a sock full of weed and took some <netw3rkd> oh shit my mom is behind me *** netw3rkd has Quit (Connection reset by peer)

#20768 + (512) -

<+llamaInAbox> i have lint in my eye <+llamaInAbox> this is not nice <+ApEtc> Remove it <+llamaInAbox> the eye? <+ApEtc> Whichever stops your complaining

#20769 + (370) -

<C4> I overclocked my mousepad. <tminos> thats nothing, I have my waterbed OC'ed, now I only have to sleep for two hours a night

#20770 + (801) -

<Tac0> theyre fucking with you, the real way to get to it is / quit im a fag * Quits: Boo_urns (Quit: Tac0's a fag)

#20765 + (326) -

* genso is now known as octopussy <SteamedHams> for 1 to 8 players

#20766 + (1451) -

<Tal> Psh <Tal> Our chem teacher said it didn't really matter how we titled the graphs and tables in our semester prac <Tal> but i still lost marks for having a Table of +2 Undead Slaying and Graph of Destiny :(

#20767 + (166) -

*** Joins: Xelix ( <Xelix> Greetings. <Xelix> I am Dan, Jedi Knight. <Xelix> I have come to discuss something with any of you. <Xelix> I shall return at another time. *** Parts: Xelix (

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