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#20653 + (111) -

<bCc> Here are my Desperate Attempts To Get Rid Of AOL <bCc> 1) I hired and exorcist to get rid of AOL on my computer. It failed to work. <bCc> 2) I also buried CD's In holy water, the holy water evaporated but the CDs survived and now glow red... <bCc> 3) I pissed on my AOL CD's and returned them to AOL...They sent me a thank you note for the cologne <toc-> haha

#20654 + (-30) -

Jimmy: no if you punched a care bare do you think it would shoot a rainbow out of its ass hooges: quite possibly hooges: or maybe sugar hooges: If that was the case, we could start a sugar plantation hooges: just breed carebears and punch them in the face and get the smurfs to harvest the sugar out of their ass

#20655 + (28) -

<Feerless> SCHOOL haha <Feerless> i have holidays <Fleebis> DUMBASS haha <Fleebis> i have ops

#20649 + (9273) -

<NHBoy> I broke my G-string while fingering a minor :( <rycool> ... <NHBoy> I was trying to play Knocking on Heaven's Door. <NHBoy> Oh well, time to buy new strings.

#20650 + (176) -

* Sotek would also like to know what the fuck anyone is doing raising six children. >_< <Ark> Sotek - Obviously not birth control pills.

#20651 + (236) -

<Slicer> Its funny how the thought of sucking on a wet sock makes me feel sick to my stomach <Slicer> and the thought of sucking on a dick, disturbingly enough, doesn't. <Red> ...

#20645 + (158) -


#20646 + (6359) -

<Firefly> Time for my prayers: <Firefly> Our Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck! <Firefly> May all 0ur base someday be belong to you! <Firefly> May j00 0wn earth just like j00 0wn heaven. <Firefly> Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe. <Firefly> And cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz, just as we teach n00bz when they act lame on us. <Firefly> Please don't give us root access on some poor d00d'z box when we're too pissed off to think about what's right and wrong, and if you could keep the fbi off our backs, we'd appreciate it. <Firefly> For j00 0wn r00t on all our b0x3s 4ever and ever, 4m3n.

#20647 + (1921) -

<Robyn> then we realised that james had fucked with the bunsen burner <Robyn> and set the lab on fire <Robyn> penis ensued <tempura> ...penis? <Robyn> panic <Robyn> PANIC <Robyn> shit

#20648 + (223) -

<froggie> short lines are bad, mmmkay? please add to your short lines, to make them long. like this, y'see? long lines, good. short lines bad. pretty simple. I'm goint to beat you, acidblood. I WILL FIGHT YOU ON THE BEACHES! <froggie> actually, I'll play volleyball with you on the beaches <froggie> I'll fight you online on IRC and DoD maybe one day. but either way, I'll fight you in a verbose and extended mannor so that I may be one step closer to that almighty long winning line! haha! madman? ME? of course, thankyou. <acidblood> Does this count as a long line? <froggie> no.

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