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#20607 + (738) -

<@Afterglow> what's the point of irc anyway <@Afterglow> everyone idles < destruct> the "point" is that if you take the third word spoken on the second tuesday of every month of the the third person down in each channel you visit on irc, they will form a description of the path to the lost city of atlantis

#20608 + (487) -

<davidr> w00t! I installed a camera and a monitor ... the cam points at my door so I don't have to turn my head to see if somebody opens the door <iku> ;D <davidr> and now I'll start recording everything so I don't even have to listen to my family, I'll just watch it when I have time

#20602 + (179) -

<_Tenchi_> jwzrd-: are you a pole smoker too ? <jwzrd-> _Tenchi_: why, you want your pole smoked ?

#20603 + (1903) -

*** IRC -- Based on the original code written by Jarkko Oikarinen *** Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 University of Oulu, Computing Center <Jarkko> You people have turned a cute little project I did 5 years ago INTO A TREMENDOUS WASTE OF TIME!!! GET A LIFE!!! MOVE OUT OF YOUR MOTHER'S BASEMENT!!! You, with the bot... have you ever kissed a woman?

#20604 + (235) -

<Satori> I read this book once, yeh, about this guy named claude who hooked up with this young gal who got pregnant and it wasn't his kid, but she said it was the result of getting raped by a supernaural being so he was cool with it so he packed the old girl up and headed off to pay taxes on her ass so's she'd be legal like... but shit happened and she wound up birthing the brat in some shit-filled barn so the shepherd brought in myrhh and frankincense

#20598 + (69) -

BoobiePatutti> My mom is now telling me what Hobbits do with their feet at night. BoobiePatutti> Feeting. BoobiePatutti> Like fisting, only with their feet.

#20599 + (1682) -

<TokenBlackGuy> my friend and i were writing l33t notes back and forth in spanish class and our teacher caught us and was like "im gonna read this to the entire class" and stopped and was like "are you two writing in tounges?"

#20600 + (327) -

<Kron-Away> iam an accountant <Kron-Away> 1,2,3,5,6,9,10 <Mr_Squidgy> kron what comes after 10 :P <Kron-Away> my 15%

#20601 + (564) -

renol07: yo whats up renol07: yo what up renol07: what happen yo click wryterra: "what happen yo click"? what the hell is that? wryterra: I'm afraid I don't speak moron.

#20595 + (1015) -

* Steele looks at his watch <Steele> well either its 6:15 or mickey has a hard on

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