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#20385 + (651) -

* SamGamgee has joined #O-Gaming <RavenBUSY> mister gamgee! <SamGamgee> mister busy <RavenBUSY> SPEAK FRIEND AND ENTER <JDski> thats tattooed on my ex's ass

#20386 + (572) -

<spazzer> i think i'm wearing my mom's pants right now <spazzer> what the FUCK

#20387 + (281) -

<incoherent>:I AM not giving steam my fucking credit card. <Adopted>: can I have it? <incoherent> Yah sure, you seem more secure then STEAM.... <KellyX>: LOL ouch....

#20388 + (15) -

< niblr> the Geneva Convention really should prohibit the forced rewriting of Ruby code into PHP < niblr> it's an inhumane torture... and I'm being subjected to it, one little piece of code at a time

#20382 + (1518) -

<www666> this is so cool I'm typing with Dragon NaturallySpeaking in mIrc <www666> no more typing <LameLLama> www: try "thlash exit" *** www666 has quit IRC (Leaving) *** www666 ( has joined #visualbasic <www666> Hugh Masters <www666> you basterdes

#20383 + (175) -

<Lithium> if i buy a hardware firewall right - i just stick it on, tell it to block all ports - tada <Lithium> easy peasy <stephen> all ports? <Lithium> i aint got time to arse about isntalling software firewalls on every machine <Lithium> i tried before <Noodle> there's an easier and cheaper way to block all ports <Noodle> pull the RJ45 out :P

#20384 + (-1374) -

<@orion> i just mark down all the good nigger jokes on purpose now <@orion> so they'll be at the bottom <@orion> aka, the top nigger jokes <!scabb> that's where those niggers belong. <@orion> back of the bus, bottom of the /names list, end of the qdb <@Sir_Neo> first in line @ kfc

#20379 + (653) -

<Head> if I download porn off of Kazaa <Head> you think the RIAA can find me? <dsbnh> yeah the RECORDING industry has huge ties for porn <[GSF]Nitro> Head- you will be sued by Ron Jeremy <[GSF]Nitro> actually, since his penis is a legal entity and franchise, it will be the wang that sues you <Head> lol <dsbnh> its actually declared a country <dsbnh> you can recieve asylum by hiding under it <dsbnh> it was recognized as a hero when it saved 3 children from drowning <Head> lol <Panz> and then cummed in there faces <dsbnh> .... <Panz> *Splat* <Panz> .... <dsbnh> why must you turn a story of heroism into a sick twisted pedophile affair

#20380 + (643) -

<Arctic_Wolf> My friends parents bought him the nice DDR pads so he could lose some weight. <Arctic_Wolf> He gets in trouble whenever they find out he's bought a non DDR PS2 game. <Arctic_Wolf> "HOW IS ARMORED CORE 2 SUPPOSED TO HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT, WONG?"

#20381 + (646) -

(dOkTeR---) doesnt matter how hot a girl is, if they do drugs and have a stupid personality, they are just as ugly as the fat bitch who won the pie eating contests

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