ircquotes Quote #21073

#21073 + (8) - [X]

<goat^2> man, i just queefed <goat^2> and htats weird, because i dont have a vagina <paintray|PissedAtEverything> your penis farted? <goat^2> yeah <paintray|PissedAtEverything> thats....gross <goat^2> stinked pretty bad <paintray|PissedAtEverything> you sure it just isn't rancid pus from a veneral disease you have? <goat^2> normally the past tense of stink is stunk, but when a male queef, grammar rules go to hell <goat^2> no man, it wasnt anything physical, just my eurethra made that farting motion <goat^2> and there was a rancid smell

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