ircquotes Quote #21068

#21068 + (82) - [X]

[Lamsey> lol, i'm running UT in spectator mode to run down my laptop's battery and the camera's right next to a biorifle spot [Lamsey> whole screen's covered in green goo, hehe <-FuNkY CaPrIcOrN-> that happened to me last night <Lamsey> ok FC, please don't elaborate in any way or form please <-FuNkY CaPrIcOrN-> I sneezed and all this stuff came out of my nose <-FuNkY CaPrIcOrN-> all over the screen <Lamsey> ugh, too late <-FuNkY CaPrIcOrN-> people tell younger guys to make sure they have enough money...comdums...etc when they go on a date <-FuNkY CaPrIcOrN-> also remember to blow your nose before you go out <-FuNkY CaPrIcOrN-> could cause problems <Lamsey> 'snot usually a problem for me

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