ircquotes Quote #20913

#20913 + (793) - [X]

<[SA]Mastiff> No. You are underage, and should not drink. <[SA]Mastiff> Go back to playing with Legos. <MaryFuckingPoppins> I don't have any Legos =( <Rigel> Fuck you Mastiff, Legos kick ass <Rigel> I set them up as the OPFOR while playing with my Moses Action Figure and army men <Rigel> The Legos lost because moses had the Ark of the Convenant <Rigel> And just like in the Bible it shot lightning and stuff. <Rigel> And then the Army Men put the legos in a concentration camp and that was the end of the Third Reich <Rigel> And THEN Moses beat hitlers face in with the Ten Commandments <Rigel> "Thou Shalt Not Be a Faggotyass Dictator" <Rigel> "Thou Shalt Not Raise the Undead" <Rigel> "Thou Shalt not put foxy agents in skintight leather and give them silenced Sten guns" <Rigel> And then back into the Time Portal he jumped, taking the army men with him! <Rigel> I should film this shit

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