ircquotes Quote #20729

#20729 + (162) - [X]

ritilan: and in 2 years u can have your first drink Halo: Yeah, I cant wait! Halo: Because I've never had any alcohol before, honest. ritilan: i belive u Halo: Then you are gullible ritilan: yes well there is that too Halo: Because let me tell ya, I'm a pretty raging alcoholic ritilan: i find it helps to keep the voices in my head quite ritilan: at least i think it does Halo: I sing show tunes to myself in order to keep the voices in check ritilan: is bad when they all sing along Halo: Yeah, I just refuse to go along when they try that shit Halo: Then I yell "DONT MAKE ME TURN THIS CAR AROUND"

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