ircquotes Quote #20695

#20695 + (3396) - [X]

<Dogan> GUYS, STORY TIME <Dogan> So my teacher's friend's friend or something <Dogan> She was dogsitting one day <Dogan> Shows up the first time, finds the dog dead on the floor, right? <Nightryde> how embarrassing <Dogan> SO she's gotta pack the dog corpse up and take it to the vet so they can dispose of it or whatever <Dogan> She can't find anything to fit it in, so she stuffs it in a freaking SUITCASE <Dogan> She didn't have a car so she has to take the train through Chicago <Zeelot> oh mannnn <Dogan> This guy helps her carry the case on and is like <Dogan> "this is pretty heavy, what's in it?" <Dogan> lady replies "just some computer things" <Dogan> the guy SOCKS HER IN THE FACE AND RUNS OFF WITH THE CASE <Nightryde> AHAHAHA HOW would you pawn that sort of thing???

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