ircquotes Quote #20677

#20677 + (166) - [X]

<Jermsnap> Seen the new projector cell phones? they project their screen on the ground or a wall with lasers, up to a 20inch "screen" <danno> that sounds incredibly useless <Jermsnap> not at all, those screens are tiny, cant really do shit on em, now thats solved, also I believe it will make humans LOOK more futuristic. <danno> oOOOoh... <danno> it would make a little more sense to see that on a PDA... <Jermsnap> PDA phones, same thing soon <Jermsnap> I dont have a cell phone, but if I could project stuff on stuff, Id get one :) <Jermsnap> PDA's are usaeless to a loner like me, dun work, no friends, what the hell would I put on there? <danno> then what would you need a damn cellphone for? <Jermsnap> hmmm... good point <Jermsnap> :(

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