ircquotes Quote #20660

#20660 + (465) - [X]

<Gumby-> so another guy found you sexy. so what? <Alchav> I guess you had to be there :/ <Gumby-> I do community theater, where 80% of the guys are gay. One time the director came up to me, wanted to make me feel uncomfortable, and said something like "hey big guy, so....boxers or briefs?" ... <Gumby-> so to mess with him, I look at him and say "Neither. womens" <Gumby-> he says "Ooh, that's getting me all excited now." I then return with "Look, it's no secret. I may be strong enough for a man, but I'm made for a woman". He laughed and walked away <Gumby-> Lesson learned: The key to getting someone to stop creeping you out, is to out-do them. :)

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