ircquotes Quote #20652

#20652 + (111) - [X]

<@madCoder> i need to decide .. do i curl up and go to sleep and waste the rest of the day, or do i go to my 2pm class? :| <@Hatcher> what class <@madCoder> calculus problem section <@madCoder> i took calc in high school, got one of the highest grades on the exam last week :| do I really have to go? D: <@madCoder> its not even the real class <@madCoder> some grad student does a bunch of problems on the chalk board <@madCoder> if you let me keep talking, i'll convince myself that school sucks and hibernate till after spring break <@madCoder> ok then, that's settled * madCoder is away: sleeping, be back in a few weeks * madCoder is now known as madCoderhibarnating

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