ircquotes Quote #20378

#20378 + (149) - [X]

<Arkrite> Are you just going to rip off every TV show for the rest of the night? I mean, because I do have other things to do. <Sinclair-> masterbation does not count as something to do :P * @Death-Blade notes the amount of masterbation comments has grown 10x since everyone started on <Sinclair-> i know <Sinclair-> i dont even wank, and it's like all you see anymore on bash <@Death-Blade> arky: go there <Sinclair-> ah man <Sinclair-> i just opened up my ass crack for an ass raping didnt i? <@Death-Blade> you the guy? <Sinclair-> ewww! <Sinclair-> i went there wondering wtf they were talking about <Sinclair-> FUCK <@Death-Blade> lol <Arkrite> Okay, that's just destrubing beyond all belief. <Sinclair-> that and i went to google to learn what bukkake <Sinclair-> is <@Death-Blade> lol <Sinclair-> not <Sinclair-> cool <@Death-Blade> <wombat> Bukkake is when a Mommy and a Daddy and a Daddy and a Daddy and a Daddy and a Daddy and a Daddy all decide that Mommy needs some special facial moisturiser <Yodakirata> lol <Sinclair-> SHUT UP! <Sinclair-> I NEVER WANT TO SEE IMAGES IN MY HEAD LIKE THAT AGAIN!!! * Sinclair- types /clear

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