ircquotes Quote #20375

#20375 + (1819) - [X]

[@|Asriel] I just got a crazy telemarket call [@|Asriel] an autoglass repair shop, asking if we had any damaged auto glass we'd like a free quote on [@|Asriel] I wondered if that was a variant on "is your refrigerator running" [@|Asriel] if I had broken glass, I'd do something about it [@Mono] lol [@|Asriel] not sit around hoping someone will call me up [@|Asriel] 911 doesnt call you up randomly "We were wondering if anybody happens to be dying, traped, giving birth, or breaking into your home at the moment" [@|Asriel] "I'm so glad you called, there's a guy holding a gun to my face" [@Mono] rofl

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