ircquotes Quote #20300

#20300 + (632) - [X]

Mmc1512: YOI KID Mmc1512: ALL THE LAMPSHADES ARE ON YOUR SUBMARINE Mmc1512: catch my drift? NcKmN 1988: wtf lol Mmc1512: your alarm clocks are made out of cheese NcKmN 1988: uhhh.. Mmc1512: your car is a boat on the fifth of the week Mmc1512: get it? NcKmN 1988: hmmm... NcKmN 1988: no Mmc1512: you look like a goriila escaped from alaska Mmc1512: you need 2 pencils to write but only one hand to see Mmc1512: understand? NcKmN 1988: u sniff glue again? Mmc1512: no son Mmc1512: back off my shoe box

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