ircquotes Quote #20175

#20175 + (931) - [X]

Thainthallas: oh... so... the other night, i go into software etc. Thainthallas: and i walk up and say "i want to reserve a copy of metroid prime" Thainthallas: the guy starts trying to talk to me about the game, and asking stuff like if i was "really excited to see the new metroid" Thainthallas: i said "well... I'm really not sure about the whole thing, but the girlfriend said 'me wantie' so I buyie" Thainthallas: "your girlfriend wants metroid prime?" Thainthallas: "yes, yes she does" Thainthallas: "she also says i need to buy vice city" Thainthallas: "your girlfriend wants vice city?" Thainthallas: by now, i start to realize that he's getting a little jealous Thainthallas: so i just say "yeah, and she's hot, too!"

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